By Oliver DeMille *Note: If you like this article, you'll love Oliver's latest book, FreedomShift: 3 Choices to Reclaim America's Destiny. “I look at the young protesters who gathered in downtown Amman today, and the thousands who gathered in Egypt and Tunis, and my heart aches for them. So much human potential, but they have no idea how far … [Read more...]
Why We Are Still in a Recession?
By Oliver DeMille “Why was it that scientists were so excited to discover facts that farmers had known for generations and generations?” —Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings The Wisdom of Crowds or Crowns? There is a technical definition of economic “recession,” but many Americans don’t know exactly what it is. Nor do they accept the experts’ … [Read more...]
A No-Party System
By Oliver DeMille Paine versus Burke It is popular to describe the differences between two big divisions of each major political party. For example, Democrats are sometimes called cluster liberals (who “view politics as a battle between implacable opponents”) versus network liberals (who “believe progress is achieved by leaders savvy … [Read more...]
Redcoats to the Rescue!
By Oliver DeMille Republicans and Democrats have increased government spending for years. Bush’s budget was drastically higher than Clinton’s, and President Obama has continued increasing spending. The White House blames the Bush Administration for the economic meltdown it inherited, and rightly so. But now independents, conservatives and … [Read more...]
Building With Kryptonite: Small Business ‘Bailout’ and the Future of the American Economy
by Oliver DeMille When recessions make things difficult for a lot of people across the nation — especially when accompanied by high unemployment — many turn against markets and seek government solutions to economic challenges. This is both predictable and understandable. But one group typically responds in a different way that is … [Read more...]
The Age of Overseers: Technology, Politics, & the Future
by Oliver DeMille The rise of independents in American politics is a major trend that has drastically changed the political landscape. But why is it happening now? Are both major parties so bad now — indeed so much worse than they have ever been — that the majority of involved citizens just can’t stand them anymore? Actually, the parties … [Read more...]
The New Man
By Oliver DeMille I wrote in an earlier review of several recent articles and books on “the end of men.” Such writings sparked a lot of discussion on the national scene, mostly among women. Men, it seems, aren’t paying much attention to such things. Where men do take exception to the predictions and statistics about man’s falling value to … [Read more...]
The Marriage Plot and the End of Men, Part II: Feminism’s Future
By Oliver DeMille This is Part II of a series. Click here for Part I. So where are we heading in modern male/female relations? The trends seem to indicate that men will be even less inclined toward or committed to marriage, and women will earn more. Men and women will expect less and less from each other, except in marriage — where the … [Read more...]
The Marriage Plot and the End of Men, Part II: New Rules
By Oliver DeMille This is a follow-up article to this article. The Rise of Women In 2010 America saw more women than men in the paid workplace for the first time. In the wake of this major development, business is evolving in several significant ways. For example, columnist Jennifer Braunschweiger has outlined many changes ahead, … [Read more...]
The New America
By Oliver DeMille The Age of Dependence We have recently changed as a people, and as a nation. I’m not sure exactly when the change occurred, but we are living in the new reality it has created. On the one hand, we have always been a nation dedicated to positive change. America was founded by breaking from the old world and … [Read more...]