by Oliver DeMille Chapter I: A Truth Universally Acknowledged It is a truth universally acknowledged, that when a nation treats business badly, corporations with extra capital take it abroad and the home nation faces job losses and economic challenges. Such nations experience widespread anxiety about their future, problems feel overwhelming, … [Read more...]
Our Government Isn’t Broken: The Third Party Solution
by Oliver DeMille Our government isn’t broken. It is just caught in the past. Specifically, the current divide between the parties is a mirror image of the country. Politics is a reflection of society, and the bickering right now in Washington is a direct projection of the nation. There is one big exception. The nation is divided into three … [Read more...]
A Wisdom Society
By Oliver DeMille “A powerful tide is surging across much of the world today, creating a new, often bizarre environment in which to work, play, marry, raise children, or retire. In this bewildering context, businessmen swim against highly erratic economic currents; politicians see their ratings bob wildly up and down.Value systems splinter and … [Read more...]
The Great Political Issue of Our Time
By Oliver DeMille 1913 was a banner year for the United States. During this year the 16th and 17th Amendments were passed and the Federal Reserve was created. Students of American freedom have long debated about the damaging effects of these three occurrences. The year 1913 also marks the modern start of a long trend of increased spending … [Read more...]
Strategies to Increase the Size of Government
By Oliver DeMille When the Bush Administration lost the support of Congress to Democrats in the 2006 midterm election, it simply turned its focus to pushing its agenda through administrative policy in the numerous governmental agencies. The Obama Administration has said that it will do the same thing if it loses the House and/or Senate in the … [Read more...]
A New Call for Free Enterprise
A review of Beyond Capitalism and Socialism, Edited by Tobias J. Lanz By Oliver DeMille The message of this excellent book, Beyond Capitalism and Socialism, is straightforward and timely: both socialism and capitalism are lacking. But the book goes a step further, offering suggestions for what type of economy and society we should adopt in … [Read more...]
How To Fix Public Education
By Oliver DeMille Time magazine recently published a cover article on reforming American education, and its leading argument was the need for more great teachers. The details, however, contained more of the same old edu-bureaucratic ideas which have been promoted for the past thirty years. Opening the teacher rolls to more people with … [Read more...]
Self Governance: Our Job As Citizens
By Oliver DeMille My oldest daughter asked me recently, "What is the key thing to know about freedom?" I answered, local governance. The most basic unit of society--above the family--are small councils that include all adults in the decision-making process. These councils maintain freedom by including in all local decisions the voices and … [Read more...]
The Rise of Social Leadership
By Oliver DeMille It’s been decades since Peter Drucker predicted that non-profit organizations would be America’s biggest growth sector, and his foresight has proven accurate. However, he didn’t foretell one of the leadership trend of our time: Social Leadership. Political leadership has been a central part of life for centuries, business … [Read more...]
Is America Becoming Like Europe?
By Oliver DeMille For decades, many elite liberals in America have wanted the United States to become more like Europe. During the Cold War the NATO agreement naturally kept Europe and the U.S. in a cooperative relationship. But after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, an Atlantic divide appeared as U.S. and European Union interests … [Read more...]