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6 Ways To Combat Wealth Myths

The first step to overcoming myths, obviously, is to become aware that they exist, to identify them, and to raise our conscious awareness of how to deal with any financial teaching that we encounter. The formula for overcoming money myths is offered in six steps: 1. Ask the right questions Such as: Who has a vested interest in what’s being … [Read more...]

What Are We Sowing?

Our modern world is infatuated with the ends we have in our sight, the goals we want to accomplish, and the changes we want to see. Most people have the same needs and desires: liberty, happiness, security, prosperity, and peace. Why do we consistently find ourselves so far from where we want to be? The problem is two-fold: 1) we mistakenly … [Read more...]

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

My adventure with the American election process began much like other young people entering college. Not certain who the candidates were, or even what they stood for, I voted with zeal but with little knowledge. As I gained more experience, through reading newspapers and magazines, I quickly fell into the democratic herd, who spout their … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: La Siesta by Juan Gil-Albert

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. La Siesta Juan Gil-Albert When I arrive at that secret confine and they question me, "What is the Earth?" I should say a cold place where the dictator overbears and the oppressed cry long tears and where, in shadows and gold teeth, injustice does the rounds taking up his profits from the men of … [Read more...]

The Reality Behind the 2010 Election: It’s the Economy

The economy is struggling, and it is driving the election. As so many have said since the Clinton campaign made it popular in the 1990s, “It’s the Economy, Stupid!” And many Americans believe the economy will continue to decline. If it does, the Obama Administration has very few tools to respond. The White House has based its entire economic … [Read more...]

Hiding From Destiny

Do you believe in destiny? I do. I believe that each one of us was given special talents and a calling all our own. We all know it deep inside. It's there when we are quiet enough to listen, when we shut off the media, the noise, the busyness. Perhaps it scares us. Perhaps we don't think we're worthy. Maybe we don't want to be held … [Read more...]

Monuments to the Faith

For a long time in the U.S. there has been a battle between people who want to be able to display religious symbols, particularly the Ten Commandments, on government property (such as city parks, government buildings, etc.) and those who think the First Amendment prohibits such things. Christians who want vehemently to display the Ten … [Read more...]

Soul Purpose Versus Life Purpose

While your Soul Purpose may take the form of a specific career, such as a teacher, or a police officer, the motivation behind that comes from your soul — not money, fame, or security. In other words, Soul Purpose is more about why you choose a job or career, and less about the specific, external form it takes at any given moment. Soul Purpose … [Read more...]

O Canada: Lessons From Our Northern Neighbor

Two words that haven’t shown up together very much since the 2008 economic meltdown are "austerity" and "Canada." That’s quite an accomplishment for our neighbor to the North. Austerity has been paired with Greece, Portugal, Spain, Great Britain and France in just the past 18 months. Austerity means having your economy controlled and run by … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: The Dance by C.K. Wiliams

The Dance C.K. Williams A middle-aged woman, quite plain, to be polite about it, and somewhat stout, to be more courteous still, but when she and the rather good-looking, much younger man she's with get up to dance, her forearm descends with such delicate lightness, such restrained but confident ardor athwart his shoulder, drawing him to … [Read more...]