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A Lone Voice Crying in the Wilderness of Economics

Editor's Note: The following is an excerpt from Orrin Woodward's book, Resolved: 13 Resolutions for Life. Ludwig Von Mises, an Austrian economist, stood for truth against the economic trends of his day. He defended free enterprise and classic liberalism when nearly all were stumbling over each other to receive perks and preferment offered by … [Read more...]

Losing America’s Heritage

America was founded on certain principles, and for the first century and a half after the founding, the focus was mostly on spreading these principles to all people. Since around 1936, we have been going in another direction -- consistently watching the decline of the most fundamental founding principles. If we are going to reverse this sad … [Read more...]

The Man Who Killed the Bank, Part II

Read Part I Here In his historic veto address, Jackson declared war on the wealthy aristocracy attempting to subvert the American Republic. His veto address should be read by everyone concerned with freedom and equality of opportunity. Jackson, in part, stated: “It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts … [Read more...]

The Man Who Killed the Bank, Part I

Editor's Note: The following account of Andrew Jackson's battle with the Second National Bank, written by Orrin Woodward, is fairly lengthy. This is such a critical story that American citizens need to understand that we've broken it up into two pieces. Part II will be published tomorrow. **************************** Andrew Jackson was always … [Read more...]

The Shift from Institutional to Societal Leadership

Editor's Note: Oliver DeMille was recently featured on the cover of Leadership Excellence magazine, with an article on his upcoming book with Orrin Woodward, LeaderShift. Here is his article in its entirety. Download the PDF version of the complete magazine here. ******************* Once in a while in history, a LeaderShift occurs. It … [Read more...]

Four Possible Futures

There are at least four major views of how governments are likely to lead the world in the decades ahead and what we can expect of the 2st Century. I’ve written about this before, but it bears repeating because not enough people are thinking about it. Here are the four possible futures: 1. Another U.S. Century: In this view nations will … [Read more...]

Raising a “Natural Nobility”

In the early 18th Century, three young colonial Americans resolved to build lives of virtue through the study and application of daily resolutions. George Washington, through tireless sacrificial leadership and against indescribable odds, defeated the mighty British Empire with his ragtag group of colonial volunteers. Benjamin Franklin, … [Read more...]

The 2014 Campaign Has Begun

The Obama Administration was frustrated by the sequester because it reduced planned government spending. But the real concern was that the President finally lost something to House Republicans. Up to this point, the Administration had used fiscal crisis to win every major battle in the last four years. Now, in the aftermath of losing something, … [Read more...]