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The Rise of Social Leadership

By Oliver DeMille It’s been decades since Peter Drucker predicted that non-profit organizations would be America’s biggest growth sector, and his foresight has proven accurate. However, he didn’t foretell one of the leadership trend of our time: Social Leadership. Political leadership has been a central part of life for centuries, business … [Read more...]

Never Complain or Explain

By Orrin Woodward Leaders address issues head on, but refuse to complain about them, seeking to resolve, not inflate the matter. Has complaining about something ever produced real change? Any change that is browbeaten out of another isn’t a true heart change. One can watch husbands and wives complain to, and about, each other endlessly, but … [Read more...]

The Natural Laws of Happiness

By Steve D'Annunzio The Creator designed the universe for our benefit. Natural laws are the code of the universe, the rules of existence that determine our happiness or lack thereof. Living in accordance with the laws brings us peace, happiness and prosperity, while being misaligned with them brings about inner turmoil, suffering, and … [Read more...]

The Pursuit of Happiness

By Chris Brady "Don't make that face! It might freeze that way!" It's a silly little thing parents say to kids. We've all heard it. Even as children we knew it wasn't true. But now I'm aging and I realize something profound: it was true! There are lines in my face representing the most dominant facial expressions I've been making all these … [Read more...]

Attitude Determines Your Altitude

By Orrin Woodward Imagine your brain as a garden and you as the gardener.  What do you allow to grow in the fertile soil of your brain?  Ideas have consequences in a person’s life, much like plants produce fruit in a garden. The key question is what fruit is being harvested from the plants growing in your garden? Attitude is a … [Read more...]

Why You Can’t Get No Satisfaction

By Steve D'Annunzio “What everyone wants from life is continuous and genuine happiness.” - Baruch Spinoza Everything that everyone does—without exception—is calculated to bring him or her more satisfaction, fulfillment, and happiness. Everything. From changing jobs to reading books to buying clothes and cars to going to church to … [Read more...]

The Limits of Specialization

By Oliver DeMille “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty … [Read more...]

The Key to Creativity – Don’t Pity the Fool

By Chris Brady "Most people can't dream too big, cause they have things to keep." --song lyric by Sugarland In the days of monarchs, in which nearly every hill or dale was the domain of a small feudal lord called Sir or Count or Duke, court jesters were often employed. These professional fools were given license for a free and crazy … [Read more...]

Emotional Intelligence-A Key to Improving Leadership

By Orrin Woodward All of us have heard of IQ - Intelligence Quotient, but only a few of us have heard of EQ - Emotional Quotient. When it comes to success, EQ is more important than IQ. The world is full of unsuccessful people who have a high IQ, but when a person develops high EQ, doors are opened for them. EQ is the ability to maintain … [Read more...]

The Soul Purpose Map

By Steve D'Annunzio “To travel is to take a journey into yourself.”   -Danny Kaye If you were embarking on a journey, you would start out with a destination in mind. You would need a map, directions, and a compass. You would need a functioning vehicle, as well as fuel. You would need to understand the terrain. It would also be nice to … [Read more...]