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The Party System’s Newest Flaw

By Oliver DeMille I recently watched a televised debate on whether America’s two-party system is making our nation ungovernable. During the debate, New York Times columnist David Brooks said something fascinating. He mentioned that political scientists keep track of how much cooperation there is between the two parties in Congress, and … [Read more...]

Lies We Choose To Believe

“Of course I’ll still respect you in the morning.” “We know exactly where the WMD are located.” “This election is the most important election of our lifetimes.” Of all the lies we choose to believe, that last one is the most pathetic. We hear it repeated ad nauseum during every single election cycle. It’s a manipulative platitude, … [Read more...]

Our Government Isn’t Broken: The Third Party Solution

by Oliver DeMille Our government isn’t broken. It is just caught in the past. Specifically, the current divide between the parties is a mirror image of the country. Politics is a reflection of society, and the bickering right now in Washington is a direct projection of the nation. There is one big exception. The nation is divided into three … [Read more...]

The Camel’s Nose Under the Tent Flap

By Chris Brady People don't like to be told what to do.  Even children are not very receptive to instruction. So when governments set out to take over peoples' freedoms (which means, quite simply, government telling people what to do instead of people making their own choices) they have to get crafty. Some serious skill is required. … [Read more...]

What Type of Government Does America Have Today?

By Oliver DeMille -Free democracies protect the property of all. -Socialist nations protect the property of none. -Monarchies consider all property the estate of the king. -Aristocracies have one set of property and investment laws for the very rich and a different one for the rest.* -Free democracies assess tax money fairly from all … [Read more...]

Congressional Carte Blanche: Commerce Clause Pt. 2

By Kyle Roberts MODERN INTERPRETATIONS OF THE COMMERCE CLAUSE The major modern interpretations of the meaning behind the commerce clause come from two professors who wrote fifty eight and seventy four years ago, respectively. The first was Walton Hamilton who in 1937 wrote “The Power to Govern; The Constitution - Then and Now.” He … [Read more...]

Congressional Carte Blanche: Commerce Clause Pt. 1

By Kyle Roberts The Commerce Clause has morphed into a congressional carte blanche for “constitutional” legislation. As a result of improper constitutional interpretation and verbal legal maneuvering, the original understanding of the clause and its operation has been totally lost. I have written elsewhere that the proper source for … [Read more...]

Equality & the Declaration of Independence

By Kyle Roberts “All men are created equal” is perhaps the least understood and most abused phrase in American Independence literature. As with most other historical concepts - stripped of original context - it has come to be the philosophical authority for virtually every social doctrine, special interest persuasion, international … [Read more...]

Counter-Productive Compassion

By Chris Brady According to Ronald Reagan, some of the most dangerous words were, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."  Reagan in that one little quip summed up what plagues much of the United State's current condition. Author W. Cleon Skousen coined the term "Counter-Productive Compassion" to describe what I see displayed across … [Read more...]

The “Original Intent” Scam

By Kyle Roberts The former Alaska Attorney General John Havelock recently wrote: “The ‘Originalists’ of 2011 want to throw out much of what generations of judges have had to say, [about the Constitution] in favor of a new interpretation of what the draftsmen thought." "Originalists color themselves as conservatives, but this approach … [Read more...]