I recently texted a buddy of mine and said, “I know we will change the world.”
His response has caused me much pondering and reflection: “And it will be done by everyone lifting where they stand.”
All too often, we shirk our duties and think, “Someone else is supposed to do that.” We think our call is either too significant or not important enough. Or we fall into the old lie that we are not good enough. Or our pride gets in the way and we think we need to do ALL the lifting, later becoming discouraged and giving up.
We are called to lift where we stand. However, as the generations have passed, we have gone from “Give me liberty or give me death” to now simply “Give me.”
Too many Americans are ignoring the call to lift where they stand — thus missing the synergistic power of lifting together.
So I ask: Are you answering your call?
Each of us has a mission to live, a purpose to accomplish, a story to tell that is so vital and important not just for us personally, but for those around us and for the generations to come.
Our freedom was not only bought for our pleasure but for our purpose!
Viktor Frankl once pointed out that the Statue of Liberty on the east coast should be balanced by a Statue of Responsibility on the west coast. We are each responsible to accomplish what Frankl called our “concrete and specific task” — our mission, our purpose, our reason.
All that have heard the call to “lift where you stand” know who that call came from, and know that they are responsible to the Great Creator for the accomplishment of their personalized task.
During a low point in the Revolutionary War, Thomas Paine wrote, “These are the times that try men’s souls.”
Today, though basking in material comfort, we find ourselves in similar circumstances. We will respond by answering our call. So lift where you stand!
The war cry is sounding for a legion of entrepreneurs to stand. Our freedom depends on it.
There is a desperate need now for self-motivated, mission-driven education. Our nation needs independent thinkers.
The trumpet is sounding for “We the People” to stop following the crowd and to STAND up and lead.
Chris Brady wrote in his book, Rascal: Making a Difference by Becoming an Original Character, that to rationalize and justify is just that — “rational-lies” and “Just-if-I” had statements.
I urge you to respond to the war cry. Stop telling yourself rational lies and saying to yourself “Just-if-I” had ________ (money, a supportive spouse, a different location, a better upbringing, etc.)
Simply begin by answering the call at home.
We complain of reckless spending by the government, yet as Americans we are in debt up to our ears. We bellyache that America is becoming immoral, but we watch the latest trashy sitcom or secretly consume porn. We are concerned about the erosion of family values, but we have not taken our wife out on a date in months, and see our children as inconveniences.
So where do we start? By balancing our budgets and getting out of our debts. By putting down the T.V. remote and by reading great books. By modeling to our children what a strong and healthy marriage looks like, and start showing our children that love is spelled T.I.M.E.
As Stephen Palmer said in his book, Uncommon Sense: A Common Citizen’s Guide to Rebuilding America:
“The Reformation begins with me. As I change myself, it inspires others around me to change, spreading from my family to my community, to my state, to my nation, and ultimately to the entire globe.”
Lift where you stand, for you are sorely needed in the battle to change the world.
John C. Buckner received his Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. He currently works at Mountain Springs Preparatory Academy as the Dean of Students, and has a small private practice.
His life mission is to bring health, peace, and strength to others by helping people know themselves, choose themselves and be themselves.
John writes about personal growth and leadership on his website, Forging Fortitude. He enjoys running 5K races, reading great books, and having intellectual conversations.
John may be contacted at johncurtisbuckner[at]gmail[dot]com.
Loved this message. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate how you weaved many different classics together.
It is always refreshing to witness someone else who “gets it” when it comes to mission. Makes me feel less alone in this world. I’m always happy to see others lifting where they stand.
Brooklynn McClure
Orrin Woodward I heard once say; (Paraphrasing) “We are not looking for Atlas. One person doing everything to lift the world. No, we are instead looking for a lot of people doing their own little part. And with enough people we will not only lift the world, we will ROCK the world.”
Together let’s ROCK the world!
I totally agree. I love it. It seems to come down to in most cases selfishness. So instead follow a consciousness of charity.
“Oddly enough, often the root cause of both of these tendencies—seeking to lead or seeking to hide—may be the same: selfishness.”