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The Age of Gridlock!

(Why It Is Actually Good for America) Pointing or Passing Now that the 2014 midterm elections have been held, the whole political apparatus in the United States is gearing up for the 2016 presidential election. What does this mean for the next two years? Here’s what to expect: Hillary Clinton will now run against the Republican Congress. This … [Read more...]

Fixing Congress

A Broken System A recent article in Esquire magazine outlined how badly Congress is broken (November 2014 issue). It quoted current Congressmen from both parties who went to Washington to make a difference and find themselves deeply frustrated with what they can only describe as a broken system. Anyone who watches or reads the news on a regular … [Read more...]

What is Government? Part II: The Visa/Mastercard Solution

Just Try It In response to my article about Government is Force (where I mentioned that government was created mainly to protect our inalienable rights and that to do this it must focus almost entirely on law enforcement and national security and not get distracted on other things), a number of people asked about services and infrastructure like … [Read more...]

What Is Government?

(the short answer) What Must Be Understood I’m going to keep this very short, so it can be passed on to as many people as possible. It is extremely important, and every free person in the modern world needs to understand this! Here goes: Many modern Americans don’t understand what government is. The huge problem with this is that since they … [Read more...]

Reconsidering the White House – Oliver DeMille

The United States doesn't get very many great presidents, only about three per century. That's surprising to most people. But it's exactly what the American framers wanted. If we take a deeper look, it actually makes sense. The American Framers didn't write the Constitution with the goal of always putting the nation’s top leaders in the … [Read more...]

The New Ivy League – Oliver DeMille

The day of turning a college degree into a ready job and high pay is over. That was then. The new economy is different now, and many graduate schools are taking note. For example, The New York Times reported: "On a spring afternoon at Michigan State University, 15 law students are presenting start-up proposals to a panel of legal scholars … [Read more...]

The “BIG” Problem by Oliver DeMille

The "BIG" problem isn't just hugely important, it's also the incredible set of challenges that are created when any institution, organization, or endeavor is just plain too big. This problem is predictable, and therefore solvable, but only if the right people are keeping an eye on the right things. Specifically, our modern government is too … [Read more...]

A Missing Piece of Entrepreneurship – Oliver DeMille

I write a lot about entrepreneurship, even though my main focus is freedom. The reason for this is simple: free nations are always nations with a strong entrepreneurial sector. There are no exceptions in history. Put simply, the great free nations of human experience had a flourishing free enterprise. This was true in ancient Athens and … [Read more...]

The Three Economies: Why the Middle-Class Has Stagnated – Oliver DeMille

There are three economies in modern society. They all matter. But most people only know about two of them. They know the third exists, in a shadowy, behind-the-scenes way that confuses most people. But the first two economies are present, pressing, obvious. So people just focus on these two. A couple of recent conversations brought these … [Read more...]

Were the Founders Lawyers? – Oliver DeMille

"You frequently mention that free nations have a lot of entrepreneurs," my friend said. "But I've been studying the American Founding era and it turns out that many of the framers were lawyers. Why don't you tell people that a lot more of us should go into law?" It was a good question, so I nodded my head. "You're right, but there is one big … [Read more...]