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Frederic Bastiat, Foreign Affairs, and the Future of Success

Guest Post by Ian Cox “Across the entire innovation chain, from basic research to commercialization, governments have stepped up with needed investment that the private sector has been too scared to provide. This spending has proved transformative, creating entirely new markets and sectors, including the Internet, nanotechnology, biotechnology, … [Read more...]

Get mentoring by Oliver DeMille at Low, Low Price – this week only

Now, for the week of 3/31/15 - 4/7/15, get our award-winning MIC for just $10/month and our exciting new BBF subscription for just $8/month! (promotional rate on BBF only available to subscribers of MIC >>) It must be spring fever!! Get mentoring from Oliver DeMille at a deep discount: For the week of March 31 - April 7, 2015, we're … [Read more...]

The Hillary Clinton Emails (A Different View) by Oliver DeMille

The Curve If you follow my articles on a regular basis, you’ve probably noticed that I seldom write about topics that are in the current news cycle. I usually address such issues a week or more after they stop dominating the nightly news. There is an important reason for this. The way the television news presents many political topics can be … [Read more...]

The Fall of Institutionalism by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille A Major Change in America We have a trust crisis in America. Specifically, we don’t trust our major institutions. For example, consider the current American view of government. A Gallup poll asked, “How much of the time do you think you can trust government in Washington to do what is right?” The response? Only 19% of … [Read more...]

The Ben Carson VS. Rand Paul Debate by Oliver DeMille

Measles, Vaccinations, Common Core, and the Deeper Issue We’re All Experiencing The disconnect right now is tearing our nation apart. Over and over, people engage in the Surface argument, while the Deeper issue is actually a lot more important. For example, consider the national discussion of whether the government should mandate vaccinations … [Read more...]

President Obama’s Free College Tuition Plan by Oliver DeMille

Some (Widespread) False Traditions about College, Grades, and Career A Good Plan? President Obama proposes making two years of community college free for everyone. As The New York Times reported (“Expanding Community College Access”), the Administration’s “preliminary plans…call for an estimated $60 billion in new spending over ten years…” That’s … [Read more...]

How Freedom Might Win in 2016 by Oliver DeMille

 The New Field I was wrong. I thought Mitt Romney would run in 2016, but he declined. Where does this leave the election? More importantly, with a large field of potential candidates, is there a path for freedom? Meaning, can someone like Rand Paul who really believes in applying the Constitution in our modern times actually win? The definite … [Read more...]

The Main Source of the American Decline by Oliver DeMille

Land of the Free  Land of Decay These days, the word “decline” is frequently used to describe the United States. Where “China” is often paired with words and phrases like “rising,” “new superpower,” and “number one,” a different set of adjectives show up when the U.S. is discussed. This trend recently reached a new low when the cover story on … [Read more...]

America’s Looming Crash: Special Report Parts I, II, III by Oliver DeMille

I am an optimist. I believe the best of America and the world are still ahead. But we’re only going to get there by dealing with the reality that the United States is now in an era of significant decline. Specifically, at least two things happened this year that are major problems, and a third serious problem is gaining increased support among many … [Read more...]

This is the Book! by Oliver DeMille

From the desk of Rachel DeMille…. Oliver writes a lot, and has published many popular and successful books. But from my vantage point, I could see that his upcoming book is very, very different from all the rest – especially in his mind. I’ve watched Oliver’s intensity and anticipation regarding this work, and wanted to give you a peek into the … [Read more...]