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Founding a New Kind of Media? by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Generations We are on the verge of a new media era in America. The first occurred during the American Founding, and was characterized mostly by articles and pamphlets—short, direct commentaries by numerous citizens on whatever topics they considered important. The second era was dominated by full-time commentators and … [Read more...]

Why Chaos in Congress is Good for America by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille “Why can’t the two parties in Washington just get along?” “Why can’t the politicians just stop bickering and work together?” “With the factional divides in the Republican Party, no Speaker of the House can get anything done.” “Shutting down the government is a failure of leadership.” “I wish Washington would just stop … [Read more...]

Obama’s (Disastrous) “Small Stick” Foreign Policy Doctrine

by Oliver DeMille I. The Disaster In the last few weeks, Putin has rapidly reversed many of the major gains Reagan garnered for the United States when he faced down the USSR in the Cold War. Amazingly, Russia is now arguably the major power in the Middle East, having moved significant military assets into Syria and created an alliance between … [Read more...]

An Obama, Adams, and Jefferson Debate by Oliver DeMille

(Should Presidents be Treated Like Royalty?) by Oliver DeMille News and Fans A strange thing happened recently. President Obama visited my state, just a quick flight and a few meetings. But to watch the state news reports, you would think the most important celebrity in all of history was visiting. The media simply fawned over the president. The … [Read more...]

Will College Get in the Way of Your Kids’ Education? by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Will College Get in the Way of Your Kids’ Education? What a controversial question! In fact, it’s downright politically incorrect. For many in the current generation of parents, this is akin to cultural heresy. But let’s think about it. The top colleges depend on the SAT, or in a few cases, the ACT, and later, once students are … [Read more...]

Welcome to the Era of Drones! by Oliver DeMille

(Transportation without Representation) Question: It’s a big thing in the print media, right now. It shows up in article after article. Where do property rights end and airspace rights begin? When the jet planes or smaller Cessna’s were flying above at 21,000 feet or even 900 feet, most people didn’t care if they went directly over one’s … [Read more...]

Darn Statistics! by Oliver DeMille

(How the White House is Touting Misleading Economic “Recovery” Numbers) by Oliver DeMille Lies and Facts Mark Twain popularized the idea that there are lies, darn lies, and then statistics. The implication is that statistics are often the worst lies of all, because most people don’t really understand what they mean. Lenin added that when … [Read more...]

Frederic Bastiat, Foreign Affairs, and the Future of Success

Guest Post by Ian Cox “Across the entire innovation chain, from basic research to commercialization, governments have stepped up with needed investment that the private sector has been too scared to provide. This spending has proved transformative, creating entirely new markets and sectors, including the Internet, nanotechnology, biotechnology, … [Read more...]

Get mentoring by Oliver DeMille at Low, Low Price – this week only

Now, for the week of 3/31/15 - 4/7/15, get our award-winning MIC for just $10/month and our exciting new BBF subscription for just $8/month! (promotional rate on BBF only available to subscribers of MIC >>) It must be spring fever!! Get mentoring from Oliver DeMille at a deep discount: For the week of March 31 - April 7, 2015, we're … [Read more...]

The Hillary Clinton Emails (A Different View) by Oliver DeMille

The Curve If you follow my articles on a regular basis, you’ve probably noticed that I seldom write about topics that are in the current news cycle. I usually address such issues a week or more after they stop dominating the nightly news. There is an important reason for this. The way the television news presents many political topics can be … [Read more...]