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Are You Powerless?

By Joelle Mancuso “So, what am I supposed to do now? My child has to do AP courses, play an instrument, perform community service, and play after-school sports so that they can get into a good college. It’s what they are supposed to do!” These were common statements by parents of school-aged children after watching the documentary “Race to … [Read more...]

The New Man

By Oliver DeMille I wrote in an earlier review of several recent articles and books on “the end of men.” Such writings sparked a lot of discussion on the national scene, mostly among women. Men, it seems, aren’t paying much attention to such things. Where men do take exception to the predictions and statistics about man’s falling value to … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: The World’s Great Age Begins Anew by Percy Shelley

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. The World's Great Age Begins Anew Percy Shelley The world's great age begins anew, The golden years return, The earth doth like a snake renew Her winter weeds outworn: Heaven smiles, and faiths and empires gleam, Like wrecks of a dissolving dream. A brighter Hellas rears its … [Read more...]

The Marriage Plot and the End of Men, Part II: Feminism’s Future

By Oliver DeMille This is Part II of a series. Click here for Part I. So where are we heading in modern male/female relations? The trends seem to indicate that men will be even less inclined toward or committed to marriage, and women will earn more. Men and women will expect less and less from each other, except in marriage — where the … [Read more...]

The Marriage Plot and the End of Men, Part II: New Rules

By Oliver DeMille This is a follow-up article to this article. The Rise of Women In 2010 America saw more women than men in the paid workplace for the first time. In the wake of this major development, business is evolving in several significant ways. For example, columnist Jennifer Braunschweiger has outlined many changes ahead, … [Read more...]

The American Order

By Shanon Brooks America is in crisis. Some people are immune to the sound of that drum, hearing only a Chicken Little cry of “the sky is falling.” More, however, are beginning to sense that something really is wrong and want to solve our problems. Without fail, in every lecture and class I give, the question always comes up: “OK, … [Read more...]

Habits and Leadership Success

By Orrin Woodward I once read a quote that struck me as a key principle for personal growth: “Bad habits are easy to learn, but hard to live with and good habits are hard to learn, but easy to live with.” Think through this principle in your personal life. No one ever has to announce to the world that they are going off their diet and … [Read more...]

Give Them Something to Shout About

By Chris Brady There is a comfortable, easy lifestyle available to anyone who wants it. You can have peace and even affluence, if you wish. You can pass through your days without anyone bothering you too awful much, and can slip through the pages of history without so much as an enemy. What is this lifestyle, you say? It's the life … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: Reluctance by Robert Frost

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Reluctance Robert Frost Out through the fields and the woods And over the walls I have wended; I have climbed the hills of view And looked at the world, and descended; I have come by the highway home, And lo, it is ended. The leaves are all dead on the ground, Save those that the oak is … [Read more...]

6 Ways to Transcend Discontentment

By Steve D'Annunzio Yesterday I spoke of the benevolent power of discontentment. The following is a six-part formula that will allow you to transcend any discontentment or pain: Be aware. Be humble. Be grateful. Recognize the message. Ask what the lesson is. While you’re waiting for the lesson, rewrite the most powerful story … [Read more...]