Part I Since the night of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the rules concerning media have changed. Before this watershed event, a person could get a decent understanding of what is going on each week by consuming three pairs of news products: (1) a liberal and also a conservative nightly news program or Sunday morning weekly show, (2) a … [Read more...]
The Jefferson-Madison Debates: How to Get the Real News in 2019
The Jefferson-Madison Debates: What Are We NOT Teaching Today’s Youth? THE MISSING TOPIC IN MODERN EDUCATION!
By Oliver DeMille What Was Lost I thought he was convinced, but then he leaned forward in his chair and shook his head. He wasn’t officially my student, but we’d had a number of mentoring discussions in recent months, and I knew from experience that he was about to say something deep. “It’s frustrating that so many people in my generation … [Read more...]
The Jefferson-Madison Debates: The End of Elite Credibility?
by Oliver DeMille Thinking is Key I recently read an excellent article that really gets to the heart of our new era—where elites in government, media, business and culture have lost much of their credibility, as the masses have lost trust in their motives and words. This is a a big shift. I don't agree with everything in the … [Read more...]
The Jefferson-Madison Debates: Socialism in Our Time!
The Mantra of Today's Media and Universities “These were the pleasantest days of Sam’s life, these days in the woods, far from everywhere—no automobiles, no roads, no people, no noise, no school, no homework, no problems, except the problem of getting lost. And, of course, the problem of what to be when he grew up. Every boy has that … [Read more...]
The Jefferson-Madison Debates: The Problem with the Supreme Court Today
I. The Supreme Court is the biggest potential danger to the United States. Too strong? Not really. Thomas Jefferson warned a long time ago that the Supreme Court would eventually be the downfall of the Constitution and even the United States.[i] His concern was simple: there are no effective checks or balances on the Court. When push comes to … [Read more...]
Jefferson-Madison Debates: Mobs, Mobs, Everywhere
Rising Emotions, Rising Problems If you've watched the news recently, you've seen a lot of protestors. They protest policies. Proposed policies. People. Statues. History. Elected officials. Nominated officials. The police. Men. Women. Business and University heads. Visiting speakers. Other races. Other religions. Government officers having … [Read more...]
Jefferson-Madison Debates: Reopening the American Mind
Challenges for the Millennial Generation (and Z) “Miss Amelia prayed as if the Lord were ten million miles away, and she would be surprised to pieces if she got anything she wanted.” —Gene Stratton-Porter, Laddie THE PROBLEM? Millennials. Or, as they are frequently called by critics, the “Snowflake Generation”. Considered by some the … [Read more...]
Madison-Jefferson Debates: A Week of Socialism By Oliver DeMille
The Media of Our Time This week I read five books, and one of them was an easy, enjoyable novel—a western entitled Flint that I’ve read and reread several times. Surprisingly, it was the western that first got me thinking about socialism. It contains a classic East Coast vs. Wild West milieu, where the main character experiences and ultimately … [Read more...]
The Madison-Jefferson Debates: What Isn’t True
Reality or... Not? Some things just aren’t true, even if we think they are. Even if we are assured that “everyone” says they’re true. And even if the experts—almost always unnamed—have formed a consensus on the matter. Actually, the more you get know the experts, the more you realize they aren’t in consensus on almost anything. Now, let’s be … [Read more...]
The Jefferson-Madison Debates: The Third Layer by Oliver DeMille
“When technology advances too quickly for education to keep up, inequality generally rises.” —Eric Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAffee “Your true greatness comes when you focus not on building a career but on finding your quest." —Vishen Lakhiani “Engaged students are 16 times more likely to report being academically motivated than students who … [Read more...]