THE NEXT BIG TREND: Pooled Sovereignty by Oliver DeMille I recently spent two days in a Barnes and Noble reading the bestsellers on current trends and issues. I do this as often as I can—at least three times a year. Sometimes I emphasize business bestsellers, and other times I focus on political books. When I was too ill to do these visits … [Read more...]
A New Call for Free Enterprise
A review of Beyond Capitalism and Socialism, Edited by Tobias J. Lanz By Oliver DeMille The message of this excellent book, Beyond Capitalism and Socialism, is straightforward and timely: both socialism and capitalism are lacking. But the book goes a step further, offering suggestions for what type of economy and society we should adopt in … [Read more...]
A Beginner’s Review of the Qur’an, Part 1: Context Matters
By Shanon Brooks A friend gave me the book What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur’an: A History of Islam and the United States by William J. Federer. I think my friend is concerned that I just don’t understand the fullness of the evil of Islam. So I am using this book as the starting point for this topic. There are 1.5 billion … [Read more...]
A Review of Launching a Leadership Revolution by Orrin Woodward & Chris Brady
As a fan of leadership books, I try to read everything that comes out in this field. Unfortunately, reading hundreds of books on the same topic means there is seldom something really new—fresh, exciting, revolutionary that uplifts the entire genre. The last such surprise for me came several years ago in the writings of Steve Farber. But now, … [Read more...]