Lessons from Crisis The popular saying that "we shouldn't let a good crisis go to waste" applies to the regular people and citizens, not just to politicians. In fact, politicians often use such thinking to make things worse. But the regular people can do a lot of good during times of crises. In fact, they usually do. Right now is no exception. … [Read more...]
2020 TJEd Online Freedom Convention
Presented by Oliver DeMille Leadership Education (TJEd) & The Center for Social Leadership (What to do about it, and how to do it effectively—and what’s coming next) Available for Online Access with All Content On-Demand See here for detailed seminar content >> ENROLLMENT Early Bird Enrollment (enrolled by … [Read more...]
Voditelji igralniške industrije: kdo upravlja največjimi igralnicami na svetu?
Industrija iger na srečo je ena najdonosnejših panog na svetu, ki vsako leto ustvari na milijarde dolarjev prihodkov. Velik del tega denarja prihaja iz prestižnih igralniških kompleksov, ki niso le centri za igre na srečo, temveč tudi luksuzna letovišča, nakupovalni centri in zabaviščni kompleksi. Toda kdo stoji za temi mogočnimi igralniškimi … [Read more...]
Psihologija tveganja: česa se lahko podjetniki naučijo od profesionalnih igralcev v igralnicah
Podjetništvo in igre na srečo se morda zdijo popolnoma različna področja, vendar imata več skupnega, kot si mislimo. Obe dejavnosti vključujeta sprejemanje tveganj, analizo verjetnosti in obvladovanje negotovosti. Profesionalni igralci v igralnicah uporabljajo psihološke in strateške metode, ki jim pomagajo sprejemati pametne odločitve in … [Read more...]
Vodstvene lekcije iz sveta igralnic: upravljavske strategije, ki delujejo v poslu
Vodenje uspešne igralnice zahteva vrhunske upravljavske spretnosti, hitro odločanje in učinkovito strategijo. Igralniška industrija je eden najkonkurenčnejših sektorjev, kjer je ključnega pomena razumevanje psihologije strank, optimizacija poslovnih procesov in inovativno razmišljanje. Vse te veščine so enako pomembne v poslovnem svetu, kjer … [Read more...]
News of the Day: The Biggest Problem with Our Modern Politics
(and How to Fix It) I just finished studying a fascinating book that really made me think, Passions & Politics by two European scholars, Paul Ginsborg and Sergio Labate.* I found this a difficult book to read (dry and winding), but it shares five very important ideas that deeply apply to all of us right now.... Click Here to … [Read more...]
News of the Day by Oliver DeMille
It's Getting Extreme Out There! October 2019: The news is tumultuous these days. Growing threats of impeachment, allegations that the leading presidential candidate broke the law in the Ukraine and China for family gain, the current president accused of numerous mistakes, partisans pointing angry fingers at each other, gaggles of "experts" … [Read more...]
A Review of 3 Books on the Future of Freedom If you care about freedom, this article may be one of the most important things you ever read. If you care about the U.S. Constitution, it is definitely this important. Some of the most significant proposals to drastically change our political system were recently outlined in several very interesting … [Read more...]
News of the Day: Don’t be a Dummy! by Oliver DeMille
Where Do You Stand? This headline, "Don't Be a Dummy!," is sincere. The sad truth is that too many Americans act like "dummies" too much of the time. For example, consider the following quote: "Public Policy Polling asked a broad sample of Democratic and Republican primary voters whether they would support bombing Agrabah. Nearly a third … [Read more...]
News of the Day By Oliver DeMille
Election 2020 Who can challenge Donald Trump in the 2020 election? This question is important, whether you like Trump and plan to vote for him, or don't like him and plan to vote for the 2020 Democrat nominee, or don't like him much but feel he's better than the alternatives. Who can challenge him? Trying to answer this question for myself led to … [Read more...]